Landwords, 2012
Dorit Feldman/
Varda Genossar
the Artists’ Residence Gallery, Herzliya,Israel
Forward: Varda Genossar
An ongoing discourse in the intermediate realm between visual art and poetry has spawned the artist book and exhibition “Landwords,” an encounter encapsulated in visual representations of local landscape and in poems that draw their inspiration from the very same scenery. Two vantage points in different media come together to generate a new resonance.
Cartographical traces are combined with stratified digital photographs. That abstract land and this local land strive to create the map of visibility; to generate an affinity with an existence charged with formal and semantic symbolism, and a range of poetic speech constantly endeavoring to gather the impressions of time and place into a cohesive unit which touches upon the essence, for, as noted by Sir Isaac Newton, “truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation.” The same may be said about the joint act: The assimilation of poetical fragments into the material renders them independent speech.